A secret.
Something I felt like sharing today. If you have ever felt the same, comment in the section below! I know I am not alone. It took a lot of courage to write this. I have never known how to feel about this one. Still figuring it out. Withdrawal. Its been almost a year and a half. I haven't gone back to it. I don't think I will anytime soon. Something I have been doing since the age of 6. Twice every week! Sometimes more! Tours, shows, exams, rehearsals. Katthak (The Indian Classical Dance Style) has been a very intricate part of my life. However, among all the things I did in the past 15 years, I don't want to even slightly touch that side of my life anymore. This is the biggest withdrawal I have experienced. I don't want to see it, Practice it, or even talk about it. I know writing has always helped me. In expressing my every feeling. This withdrawal is a long one. What do I do?? Do I still bring myself to do it even though I know I don't...