My list of Happiness.

Happiness is a state of mind.
If I am not happy, its because I haven't found the way to be happy.
I thought happiness is a result.
Result of something I do.
It's the product of hard work.
But now I feel different.
It is infact the only way one can change his/her own life from 'surviving' to 'living'.
If I am happy while working hard, I don't mind the end.
It doesn't matter if the end is positive or negative.
What I remember is how I felt about it.
I found a few things that helped me in achieving this state of mind.
And I made a list of them.
This list encompasses what I love doing and encourages me to keep doing it.
I haven't yet completely achieved it.
Might take a lifetime for it, but well, I can keep trying.
Appreciating smallest of joys.
Dressing up.
Celebrating little achievements with a song and a dance.
Learning to let go off things that are hard to deal with.
Talking to a friend for hours.
Watching a movie.
Working out.
Eating good food.
These are just a few.
I want to make sure I do all of these, because whatever the end will be..will be.
What matters right now is my own state.
I still have to learn more about myself and what makes me happy.
And try doing them.
My agenda is to keep adding to this list.
My agenda is to work according to that list,
because this list carry's my joy, my happiness and my state of mind for the rest of my life.

P.s: Thank you so much for all the love on my previous episodes. This journey is going to be a long one and I hope we share it together every week. 
Stay tuned for the next episode on next Thursday. Keep showering your love and take care of your health. Physical as well as mental. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. You can also connect to me 
via email- 
or via Instagram account name -@callmeaishwarya -

Until then, 
Keep smiling!

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