"The Key to Success".

Life is meaningless without milestones.
Life is meaningless without slumps.
And one continuously tries to find the "Key to success".

In the past 22 years of my life, I have always waited to know the key to success. 
As a part of process of becoming an adult (which I am still not haha), some questions popped up in my very free mind. 

Q.1.) Is there really a key?
It will finally open the lock and I shall live happily ever after!! 
Somehow that happens only in fairy-tales. 

Q.2.) Sharma Ji's son is so successful! Did he find the key?
I will use it for my lock too!!
If such questions pop up in your mind too, read my episode - Mistake #1

Somehow nobody else's key fits in mine.
Every lock has a different key!
Every problem has a different interpretation.
Every solution has a perspective.

Finding my own key to success which fits my life, my goals. 
That is what keeps me engaged.

Only after recollecting all the hits and drops,
I have come to a conclusion, that
In the constant search of Who am I, and the constant search of the key,
the word CONSTANT never caught my sight.
Consistency is my "key to success".
Trial and error is what takes me to either a milestone or a slump.

There is neither any fairy-tale nor any Sharma Ji.
All I got to do is keep moving.
Keep trying and keep erroring(that's not even a word, but it's okay.)
Trying can bring about greatness,
and errors will bring learning.

A win win situation indeed!

P.s- A Very Happy Valentine's Day to all!
Thank you so much for all the love on my previous episodes. This journey is going to be a long one and I hope we share it together every week. 
Stay tuned for the next episode on next Thursday. Keep showering your love and take care of your health. Physical as well as mental. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. You can also connect to me 
via email-  aishd19@gmail.com 
or via Instagram account name -@callmeaishwarya - https://www.instagram.com/callmeaishwarya/?hl=en

Until then, 
Keep smiling!

Picture by- https://www.gaffaneysoffice.com/blog/key-success


  1. My dear Aishwarya,
    Accepting life ,As it is,is the key to success. I think so.This does not mean that l think one's travel towards progress and to try for that again and again is useless .One must do his best to make him better in all things.One must try to get all his capacities may come out and make him an ideal.In spite of these trials,One must be sure that each and every person in this world os a seperate unit of lock and every lock has it's own key.This veriety is a magic creation of God and that makes the world lovely.
    Though we know we must upgrade ourselves,we must accept our life ,As it is,must not compare us with others .This satisfaction and belief is the key to success.


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